The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Quiz: The Easter Story

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) It was all part of God's mysterious plan of salvation that Jesus would be killed, then rise from the dead as a sign that we too can overcome death and live with God forever. That's what Easter is all about.

The Easter story begins with an event of Jesus' life that we celebrate on Palm Sunday. What event is it?

Jesus preached a famous sermon in Palm City.

Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and the people spread palm branches on the road ahead of Him.

Jesus put a curse on a palm tree that would bear no fruit.

2) As part of God's plan, one of Jesus disciples betrayed Him to his enemies. What was his name?




3) What is Good Friday about?

The day Jesus died on the cross

The day Jesus escaped from His enemies

The day Jesus preached His final sermon before His death

4) What do we celebrate on Easter?

The day Jesus escaped from His enemies

The day Jesus preached His last sermon on Earth

The day Jesus rose from the dead

5) What happened 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead?

Jesus' enemies tried again to kill Him.

Jesus ascended to Heaven.

Jesus visited Jerusalem for the last time.